These So-Called Healthy Foods Are Bad For The Kidneys!

Healthy Foods That Are Bad For The Kidneys

Yummy – yes, it is the word, which everyone uses while eating a tasty meal without knowing its obnoxious effects. Not every healthy food will stand best for our body organs. For instance, fish is good for our eyes, hairs, skin, and muscles, but it is not good for the health of our kidneys. Fish is a source of high protein, which may put pressure on our kidney to filter it out that is why the problem of Proteinuria happens. In this blog, we will provide you with information about the healthy food items, which will turn bad for your kidneys, especially for a person with unhealthy kidneys.

Following are the healthy food items, which are not good for the health of the kidneys:


A person with unhealthy kidneys should avoid consuming protein, potassium, sodium, sugar, and phosphorus in high amount because these substances can put pressure on their already harmed kidneys.

1. Banana – It is a source of high potassium, which is not healthy for the kidneys, especially when a person is suffering from chronic kidney disease. High potassium in the body can put pressure on the kidneys, which may lead to kidney failure. Too much consumption of potassium can cause you with kidney disease, which is common of causes of hyperkalemia. Following are the symptoms of high potassium level in the blood.

At higher levels, symptoms of hyperkalemia include:

• Muscle weakness
• Nausea or Vomiting
• Muscle pain or cramps
• Breathlessness
• Unusual heartbeat and chest pains

In case, you are facing the problems related to the kidneys, then adding banana in your diet plan will turn worst for the health of your kidneys.

2. Avocado – Avocado is counted as the best fruit to eat to stay healthy, but it is not good for a person with kidney disease or kidney failure. There is a high amount of potassium present in it due to which it becomes the not so-called healthy fruit for kidney patients. A kidney patient cannot consume protein, phosphorus, potassium, and sodium because all these substances cause high blood pressure, high blood sugar level, muscle cramps, and put pressure on the damaged kidneys.
3. Whole wheat bread – The more amounts of bran and whole grains in the bread, the higher the phosphorus and potassium contents. That is the reason why whole wheat bread is not healthy for a person who is suffering from chronic kidney disease or taking dialysis treatment. Kidneys are work to filter waste materials, toxins, and substances like protein. Along with that, kidneys eliminate these things from our body through urine. If the kidneys are not healthy, so they cannot work to eliminate these things due to which the consumption of high protein, potassium, sodium, and phosphorus pressurize the kidneys, which can lead to kidney failure.
4. Brown rice – For a kidney patient, whole grains, for instance, whole-wheat bread, oats, and brown rice are limited or subtracted from their diet plan due to high potassium. Brown rice is healthy as compared to other kinds of rice, but it is not profitable for the patients of chronic kidney disease or kidney failure. In case, you really want to eat rice or brown rice, then for a taste, you can use Poha.
5. Dairy products – Dairy products, for instance, milk, curd, paneer (cottage cheese), and more are the best sources of protein and potassium. These things are known as healthy things, which every person should include in their diet plan to get healthy and strong muscles, skin, hair, and bones. Along with that, all dairy products are not healthy for an individual with kidney related issues because the kind of minerals presented in them is not beneficial for kidney patients.
6. Red meat – Red meat is a good source of protein. By eating red meat, you will get strong bones, muscles, long and shinning hairs, charming skin, and strength. Along with that, consumption of high protein can provide you with the problems associated with the kidneys. For instance, high protein in the blood can be a reason behind Proteinuria, high amount of protein in the blood. Proteinuria is a problem in which the kidneys are not healthy enough to hold the protein in the blood due to which protein discharge with the urine. In case, you are suffering from chronic kidney disease and other kidney related problems, then do not eat red meat.
7. Potatoes and sweet potatoes – The patient of diabetes cannot eat potato or sweet potato because it may increase the level of their blood sugar, which can cause you with kidney related problems. Diabetes is the main cause of kidney disease or kidney failure. It is vital for a person with diabetes to do not eat potato or sweet potato if they want to live a disease-free life.
8. Tomato – According to the research, the seeds of tomato are not digestible. That is the reason why a kidney patient should avoid eating a raw tomato, cooked tomato, and other forms of tomato to sustain healthy kidneys.

These are some of the so-called healthy things, which we eat to get a healthy body. These things are not good for kidney patients, so on the off chance, if you or anyone in your known is suffering from the issues related to the kidneys, then avoid eating the underlying food items to stay healthy and away from diseases. Along with that, you can contact Dr. Puneet Dhawan at Karma Ayurveda for Ayurvedic kidney disease treatment includes healthy diet plan and yogic science. Ayurveda not only works to heal the disease but also prevent its causes and symptoms to provide you with disease-free life.

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